Farmer's Wife Sampler - Whirlwind

This week's Farmer's Wife Sampler block is called Whirlwind - a very similar name to last week's block and it happens to come immediately after it in the book.

Though I like this block well enough, if I were to make it again I would probably press some of the seams open to make them appear less obvious. The angle of the light is emphasising the seams somewhat in this photo though.

How do you like to press your seams? Do you think it matters? Let me know in the comments.

Bye for now x


  1. I like to press seams open to reduce the bumps that can send machine quilting off in unintended directions! I have to confess I even stitch in the ditch along open seams but best if the quilt police never find out!

    1. That's a good reason to press open. :) I also stitch in the ditch along seams I've pressed open. It works just fine and I've had no problems.

      I'm beginning to doubt the existence of the quilt police, as I've never encountered them. ;)


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